Museum & Archives • 408 Main Street • York Springs, PA 17372
Ye Olde Sulphur Spa has a variety of year-round programs, tours and special events for all ages.
Find historical treasures in our changing museum exhibits, artifacts and historical documents
Further our mission to preserve the history of York Springs and Northeastern Adams County

VISIT OUR MUSEUM & ARCHIVES ~ Our headquarters are located at 408 Main Street in York Springs, PA 17372. We invite you to enjoy the museum from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month. Our growing collection of local history documents and artifacts are open to researchers from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m each Wednesday or by appointment.
More About Us
YE OLDE SULPHUR SPA ~ Our unique name comes from the York Sulphur Springs which enjoyed a good reputation among the residents of Baltimore and Philadelphia during the 1800’s for its health-restoring properties. The York Sulphur Springs was the first summer resort in Adams County, and remained popular until the advent of the railroad made the Atlantic Beach resorts more attractive destinations. Daily stages ran from both Baltimore and Philadelphia to York Springs.
Visit the Museum
Open 2pm to 4pm on the first Sunday of the month, except Holiday weekends
Research in the Archives
Our growing collection of local history is available to researchers on Wednesdays 6:00 to 8:00pm or by appointment.
2024 Capital Campaign

Our Capital Campaign Online Auction was a GREAT SUCCESS! Thank you to our bidders, to those who spread the word and shared our social media posts with friends and family and to the many volunteers and item donors who made this possible. Over $1,000 was added to our effort to expand our archives to safeguard today's history for future generations.

Thank you to Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc. for their generous donation of $2,500 to our Capital Campaign along with a $2,500 match from their co-op partner agency, CoBank. CEO / General Manager Steve Rasmussen presented both checks to officers Cathay Snyder, Donna King, Elaine Gilbert and Daena Creel.
Will you add your donation to the Capital Campaign fund? Please click DONATE NOW or send a check to YOSSHS Capital Campaign Fund, PO Box 161, York Springs, PA 17372.
The YOSSHS archives is overflowing with our community's historical records and artifacts!
- The archives is open weekly for researchers to learn more about their family, their home’s history, special interests and much more. We also host gatherings to collect the memories and oral histories of those who were a part of Adams County’s not-too-distant past.
- There are themed exhibit rooms throughout the museum and only a small portion of our collection can be on display at one time. We share that rich history on “First Sundays.”
- Students from Bermudian Springs experience local history through outreach programs led each school year by Society volunteers.
- We collaborate closely with local service organizations like the York Springs Lions Club, the York Springs chapter of the I.O.O.F. and the York Springs Community Group to present enjoyable events for the surrounding communities.
- Our Society owns and cares for historic properties such as the Huntington Township Election House at the intersection of Routes 15 and 94 and the Historic Presbyterian Cemetery on Old Harrisburg Road. Ongoing projects include Election House foundation work and cemetery tombstone restoration.
- York Springs Community Day is an outgrowth of the York Springs 150th Anniversary Celebration. Annual events, such as this year’s Quilt Show, spotlight our community in the newspapers and on social media, as well as bringing in visitors to experience the area’s hospitality first hand.